Become a CONFIDENT athlete | Sports psychology and Neuroscience show you how

Become a CONFIDENT athlete | Sports psychology and Neuroscience show you how


(where you get our best tips of how to improve your performance in any sport)

Confidence is one of the most important attributes of a high level athlete. Only by being confident you can play up to your potential. Athletes like Lebron James, Cristiano Ronaldo and Kobe Bryant are tremendously mentally tough and mentally prepared to compete in their sport, and that’s only due to the confidence they have in themselves.

This video will help you apply drills and exercises that make you more mentally prepared.


  1. Performance Accomplishments 3:49
    Verbal Persuasion 4:55
    Vicarious Experience 5:12
    Emotional Arousal 5:43

  2. im a gamer but have been attributing my wins to "luck" or saying "they were just playing bad today" etc. i need to improve my self talk to create success!

  3. hey, you say everything you mention here is backed by science. Can you please link your resources? I would like to look more into the science itself (im science major) rather than trying to discredit you which I have no interest in.

  4. I possess numerous high level skill sets…..but I lack confidence in a number of ways too and it has completely halted me in life……there are so many trainers and coaches out there that can prepare athletes physically……but there are so few that can prepare an athlete mentally.

  5. Danke für das Aufdröseln der einzelnen Faktoren. Bin gespannt mehr darüber zu erfahren, gerade weil du ein weiteres Video dazu angekündigt hast. Schätze auch den Umstand der wissenschaftlichen Herangehensweise sehr, die du dir selbst gesetzt hast👍

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