How playing sports benefits your body … and your brain – Leah Lagos and Jaspal Ricky Singh
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-playing-sports-benefits-your-body-and-your-brain-leah-lagos-and-jaspal-ricky-singh
Made in partnership with the Always #LikeAGirl campaign.
The victory of the underdog. The last minute penalty shot that wins the tournament. The training montage. Many people love to glorify victory on the field, cheer for teams, and play sports. But should we be obsessed with sports? Are sports as good for us as we make them out to be, or are they just a fun and entertaining pastime? Leah Lagos and Jaspal Ricky Singh show what science has to say on the matter.
Lesson by Leah Lagos and Jaspal Ricky Singh, animation by Kozmonot Animation Studio.
otak kita menghasilkan beberapa bahan kimia saat kita berolahraga
What a wonderful discrimination video if you are older you shouldn’t do sport! It is only for younger people!!! What a message!!! So, those who are not teenagers any more shouldn’t do sport or should simply die maybe????
Ape die cakap tu raju??🤓🤔🤨
This content is superior. I found a book with related themes to be equally pivotal. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint
This video showing you how is benefit of play sport: built confidence, nuturing brain, coommunity skill, exercise your body, have fun,… Its take time to find sport that you like but it complete okay. Let try any sports as you can, you will find sport you enjoy.
i mostly agree
Who’s here in 2024
List of benefits for easily doing a writing lesson
1. Good for our body and mind
– Strengthen our bones
– Clearing out bad cholesterol
– Decreasing the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
– Our brains release a number of chemicals such as endorphins. These natural hormones can control pain.
– Sharpen our focus, improve our mood and memory
I made a video about Muay Thai training I hope you will enjoy it!
Sports has been a vital part of my conscious life. For 11 years, I have been a professional swimmer and can agree that sports are the best medicine for both the body and the mind. It reduces stress and anxiety as the soothing nature of water has a calming effect on the mind. Also, it’s a great way of social interaction, which in turn has excellent mental health benefits. During that period of my life I can say that I had better sleep, mindfulness, and improved mood.
I love this video for my english lesson🫶🏼
I’m not going to lie,I HATE sports (I don’t mind dance and gymnastics but I am not good at it)so I am only doing this so I don’t humiliate my self in PE 😢
I like john wick better
i like Jon wick beater
iklan terossssas
need to tell this to our principal
Team ronaldo
Siapa disini yang di suruh guru b.inggris
Фокус тапсырма жазып откандар биз биргемиз
ليه مش مترجم باللغه الانجليزيه
I’m not trying to hate on this video but sports isn’t just my thing. I’m more of an art person and I prefer using my mind and creativity over my body. It’s just how I live life. That’s why I hate PE class because they force you to play sports we’re in volleyball now and it’s such a pain if you’re non-athletic. I honestly don’t mind a subtle workout here and there but it’s not a hobby or a passion I’m interested in.
I cried
coach es class
This may have been the best or thee best TED Talk on why to join a sport I have watched in a long time. I am a youth sports coach and I am definitely showing this to my athletes.
i needed this for school,and the vid actually helped me and was kind of cool.
Ga bisa basa enggres
is that michael jackson 0:13
Regular participation in sports enhances cardiovascular health, but it also has some benefits for your mental health since it reduces stress levels.
Healthy khailnasa ratha hai
I suffered from obsessions and after doing exercise training for 2 to 3 in a half months my mental health improved. I train to renew my entire body and live a long life. I don’t need to rely on a gym group because gym people always give me funny looks. I Jog outside in the open with nature and breath in good air. i hate gyms for that very reason. I proven them wrong!
Good video
I think it’s super important to practice sports or exercise and even go to the gym, even more so when you’re young because we have more energy and it brings health benefits and I also know that when I get older I won’t suffer from pain or weak bones!

المعلمة عطتنا الفيديو هادا عشان نحضرو بس انا مش فاهمة شي من الفيديو😂😂😂
📍Houston Community College
My Nephew had a bunch of obstacles to overcome and I’m sure that being on teams all the way to High School probably saved him in a lot of ways.
I love sports and playing casually. The feeling that I get after and during is unlike anything else.
Very good video 👏