Michael Jordan Leaves The Audience SPEECHLESS ― One Of The Best Motivational Speeches Ever

Michael Jordan Leaves The Audience SPEECHLESS ― One Of The Best Motivational Speeches Ever

Michael Jordan, businessman and former professional basketball player, delivers one of the best motivational/inspirational speeches you will ever hear. Listen to this everyday and change your life.

Michael Jeffrey Jordan, also known by his initials MJ, is an American businessman and former professional basketball player. He played fifteen seasons in the National Basketball Association, winning six NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls.

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” ― Michael Jordan

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  1. Biggest winner mentality shift for me came after reading the book 25 Money Secrets From Donald Trump

  2. Mj is an epitome of sucess,he doesnt allow fear to come his way but be better every failures he experiences.Thats why admire this guy.Simply the 🐐 goat. His game speaks for itself.

  3. If it wasn’t for michael jordan, I’ll be alone but because of him, he inspire me to not give up and keep going no matter how hard it is, he’s my favorite #1 nba player that helped me to make my life better, that’s why i listen to his quotes everyday cuz it helps me 💯

  4. Frankly, I do not quite understand that. I have roughly the same attitude to what I do. And I’ve achieved a lot. But it so difficult to keep pushing yourself, feel responsible to produce the best you can all the time. You just burn out. And this is not just the psychological thing, it affects your health. Say, my immune system is depressed (I am sick all the time trough the winter), I have memory issues and many other things. So, I believe, pushing yourself to the limit is not good

  5. You know I feel like the media has portrayed this mentality that white people like me look down on black people but the truth is I have always looked up to black people. MJ is just one example. I love MJ and when I was young I thought he had the perfect body and perfect game. Same with David Goggins, Usain Bolt or Terry Crews or Morgan Freeman or Oprah, Mike Tyson the list goes on and on. Despite what the media says I always saw black people as great and amazing human beings. They went through so much in their history yet they became the best in so many areas of life. I wish people knew the truth of how a typical white male like me really feels about black people.

  6. no such thing as leave or speechlx or have or fail or not, ceptuxuax, say, can say etc any nmw and any s perfect

  7. May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God Almighty be upon you, my brother. It is not permissible to publish your music. It is the sin of everyone who heard it. Please delete it. It is also not permissible to show the private parts, the private parts from the navel to the knee. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, commanded us to cover the private parts, so my brother, cover your private parts. May God reward you well. Just as backbiting is not permissible. They said, O Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, what is backbiting? The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “Remind your brother of something that he hates. Therefore, brother, anything you mention, comment on, or speak to people or make comments, and from these words you know that none of what he hates is backbiting. This is backbiting. Therefore, it is best to ask for forgiveness and forgiveness from that person so that no retaliation is done.” From you on the Day of Resurrection, and as you know that we did not guarantee ourselves, let alone someone comes who takes good deeds coldly and without effort, so the rights must be returned to their owners. It is not permissible to publish music for you. It is the fault of everyone who heard it. It is also not permissible to publish things about infidels or wear their shirts or imitate them, whether a football player. Or an actor, because this involves glorifying them, boasting, and being loyal to them, and we as Muslims only take pride in our Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, by following his Sunnah and spreading it, and the Companions and the Mothers of the Believers, may God be pleased with them all. It is also not permissible to qaz’a because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, forbade us from doing that, and it is not permissible to shave the beard because the Prophet May God’s prayers and peace be upon him, we never shave it just as it is not permissible to photograph people without their permission and publish things about them without permission. You must ask for permission and then publish whatever you want. It is not permissible to expose the sinner, but rather he must be covered and not exposed. This can be either by commenting or by publishing something or publications in which the person in the video is a sinful person. Therefore, by publishing, commenting, liking, or anything that spreads more video, you contribute to exposing it more, and so on. Therefore, please delete any comment or like that you made for a video that contains sin, whatever it may be, because they are ongoing sins. It is not permissible to draw, cartoon pictures, or games that contain animate beings, because they involve imitation. For the creation of God Almighty, and it is not permissible to publish pictures or videos that contain women. Yours is the sin of everyone who looks at them, and all of this, or any sin, a person must cover himself and not expose himself by going out to people about it or telling people that he did such and such because it is openly committing sin, and the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. He forbade that and said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: “All of my nation is safe except those who speak out, and we are all wrong and fall short. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, commanded us to forbid evil and enjoin what is right. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Whoever among you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; if he is not able, then with his tongue; if he is not able, then with his heart, and that is weaker.” Faith, so you will say that you did not commit some of the sins that I spoke about, but my brother or sister, despite the presence of many sins while I was working on the phone, and God guides us all, I cannot send to someone every time because there are different sins, and therefore I collected them in complete lines, and God is your helper, so I advise you to repent and start with myself and return to God is the cover of a soul, and God is my brother, death comes suddenly. Likewise, every disobedience must be followed by repentance until we meet God. Remove these things that do not please God Almighty, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace…. May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you, my brother Jesus, the servant of God and His Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Just like him, Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Moses, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the rest of the prophets and messengers, may God’s prayers and peace be upon them. Therefore, follow your mind and heart, not your whims, and study Islam. The prophets and messengers came with the same message, which is belief in God alone, who has no partner and no partner. Associating others with it, therefore, repent to God, come back to your senses, and convert to Islam before it is too late. I am not forcing you to do anything. I am asking you to study Islam well from a committed Muslim person and a student of Islamic knowledge, and I swear to you that you will submit of your own accord to what you will see of the truth.

  8. 6 rings… 55 points…. Phil Jackson… it’s still a team sport trial by fire.. Detroit pistons

  9. MJ always displayed a level of humility alongside his greatness, and that’s what made him such an inspiring figure both on and off the court. It wasn’t just his skills but his ability to stay grounded and lead by example. Everyone can learn from that kind of balance between confidence and humility. It’s about winning with grace and inspiring others along the way.

    What qualities do you think define a great leader or role model?

  10. Aint no1 MJ…its likr Tupac..every 1 else fighting for number 2…of course biggie nas…lebron is super nice..but cmon man


  11. Winning attitude can take us far, but never as far as someone who has both talent and winning attitude, that’s the most dangerous person. So it’s important to dig deep and be honest to ourselves what we have natural aptitude in.

  12. Totally spot on! Michael Jordan’s speeches can be incredibly inspiring and impactful. Studies show that listening to motivational talks from high achievers can boost motivation and performance by up to 40%. The challenge is leveraging that inspiration into actionable steps. I faced this myself, but after exploring different methods, a friend recommended Habit10x. Their approach to integrating motivational insights into practical habits and routines was incredibly effective for me. Found them through Google!

  13. "I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." ― Michael Jordan

  14. Wow, I never imagined a world without Jordan. It’s heartbreaking. He’s been my all-time favorite player. It’s not just his skills; it’s his relentless determination to win, never giving up even when things seem bleak. He’s an inspiration, especially when competing against the best of the best. Jordan’s ability to keep going, to push harder, makes him an incredible overachiever in my eyes. If god was real, it would be Jordan for sure

  15. ⚠️😎😎😎😎❌❌❌🏁🏁🏁🏁🚦🚦🚦🚦🦾🦾🦾🦾🦾🏀🏀🏀🏀😜😜😜😜🤑🤑🤑🤑✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾💯💯💯💯💻💻💻💻🎮🎮🎮🎮🆒🆒🆒🆒❗

  16. After 400 years a four day trip out of Egypt took 40 years in the wilderness to forced migration to the west shores of Africa to White lion to Jamestown virgins to channel slavery to convict leasing to share cropping to Salves as collateral.. slavery to big to fail.. to 2008 banks are to big to fail.. to we are the ultimate consumers to outsourcing of American job to Being seen as unduly proud for serving in the military to A white man with a high school diploma can get a job before a black man with a master to Fannie Mae Sally Mae to loan deferment and loan forbearance to we can never stack up to racism is a Punic health threat to an investigation launched for treating black medical personnel as the help to sending Doctors and Pharmacists home to die .. we only have 5% black AA physicians 4 percent mental health 2% specialist surgeons what we know is the Black Life does when we are not treated by African American doctors what we know they even tell African doctors to stay away from AA it’s an agenda it part of the program … they tell whites Hispanics Hermans Irish polish etc etc to stay away from African American men give me your zip code and I can tell you on average how long your race ethnicity or class will live we have 30 yr gap with the black boy and the black man dying from 12 of the 15 leading causes of preventable death .. Dr Richard Demond Broussard PharmD humanitarian

  17. Guaranteed, if Michael Jordan opened his own Gym franchise, that would make 1 Billion in membership overnight. I know that’s not the focus, but just his brand alone carries power because it is backed by truth.

  18. He may not have joined the ‘Air Force’ but he CREATED one!!! Love Jordan… always did. ❤😊☝👍🙏🙌

  19. THERE HAS BEEN MANY GOOD PLAYERS AND MANY GREAT PLAYERS. What sets jordan apart from everyone that has ever played the game of basketball is that jordan when the time came he was the moment he took up the moment. He became the moment he was the moment. Weather talking to him or trying to win against him he was all about the moment. And to me he mastered that like no one ever could or will again.

    Thks SLM

  20. Is it REALLY so damn hard to get the speech typed right? Automated recognition captioned it all wrong and the authors don’t care.

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